Math Problem : DD.31 Three persons from home to a park

Taro left home at 9:00 and ran to the park where is 14 km away from home at the speed of 200 m/m.
Whenever he ran for 10 minutes, he took a rest for 2 minutes.

(1) Find the time when Taro arrived at the park.

(2) The elder sister of Taro left home at 9:50 and she went to the park by bicycle without taking a rest on the way.
The elder sister arrived at the park 7 minute earlier than Taro.
Find the speed per minute of the elder sister.

(3) Taro’s father went back and forth between the house and the park by car at 60 km/h.
He took a rest three times on the way.
He took the 1st rest for 2 minutes together with the 2nd rest of Taro. He took the 2nd rest in the park.
He took the 3rd rest for 2 minutes together with the 5th break of Taro.
Find the time of the 2nd rest taken.

(1) 10:22
(2) 560 m/m
(3) 20 minutes