Math Problem : LLL.1 Find the way to go

I come to the fork in the road you do not know which way to go to A town, either way to B town.
There are two persons, one is Taro who always tell or do the truth and another is Jiro who always say or do the contrary to the truth.
I do not know which person is Taro.
Find out the question I can find the way to A town asking the question only to one of two persons.

Ask the following question to one of two persons :
" If I asked the way to A town to another person, which way does the person indicate ? "

I will ask to either man, "If I asked the way to A town to another person, which way does the person indicate ?" 

If the partner to whom I asked a question is Taro, he will answer "He indicates the way to B town." since Jiro does the contrary to the truth. 
If the partner to whom I asked a question is Jiro, he will answer "He indicates the way to B town." as well, since Taro does the truth but Jiro says a contrary. 
Then I go to the another way which they answered.