Math Problem (Level 2) : Find a bag of fake gold coins (LL12)

There are five bags in which a lot of gold coins are put and fake gold coins only are contained in one bag of them.

As for the weight of one piece of gold coin, the genuine one is 10 g and the fake is 8 g.

Is there any way to find the bag of fake gold coins by using only once the scales that can weigh pieces of gold together at a time ?

Yes, there is.

You should take one piece, two pieces, three pieces, four pieces, five pieces of 15 pieces of gold coins in total out of five bags each and put it on the scales. 

If those are the same genuine gold coins, total weight of them is 10g × 15 piece = 150g, but the actual weight is lighter because there are false gold coins in them. 

It can be understood whether the fake gold coins are contained in which bag by the weight lighter than 150g. 

In case weighing 148 g, it is the bag taken out one coin. 

Weighing 146g, it is the bag taken out two coins, and so on.