Math New Drill (Level 1) : Ratios and Proportions Problem2(6) NAKANO ATTACHED TO MEIJI UNV.-2014

A salt solution of 400g is in each container A, B, and C and density in A, B , and C is 16%, 8%, and 4% respectively. 

When total of 100g salt solution was taken out of container A and B and it added to container C, the density of container C became 5%. 

Find the weight of the salt solution taken out of container A.

12.5 g

400g × 4% = 16g 

(400g + 100g) × 5% = 25 g 

25g - 16g = 9g 

9 / 100 = 9% 

(16 - 9) : ( 9 - 8) = 7 : 1 

Thus the weight of salt solution from A is 100 × 1/(7+1) = 12.5g